A strategic cooperation agreement between Shaanmei Group and Schneider Electric Co., Ltd(China)
Apr 21, 2017
On the morning of March 27th, Shaanmei Group held a strategic cooperation signing ceremony with Schneider Electric (China) Co., Ltd.Yang Zhaoqian, Shaanmei Chairman as well as Party Secretary, Sun Ximin,Deputy General Manager,Yin Zheng,Schneider Electric Global Executive Vice President as well as Chinese Region’s President , Zhao Jun,Northwest Regi...
Mar 22, 2017
In 2016, under the circumstances of revulsion in the field of coal、coal chemical industry、and steel,ShaanMei Group sticked to the principles of striving for survival by dealing with losses and creating benefits, and of seeking development by deepening reform as the main role, gripping “the five indexes and tasks”, the economic operation is steady a...
Members of the Shaanxi national committee of CPPCC came to inspect ShaanMei Group
Mar 03, 2017
For CPPCC membe’ better involvement in ShaanMei Group, during the convention of the two national sessio, on February 27th, Li Xiaodong, director of Shaanxi Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang(RCCK), vice chairman of CPPCC Shaanxi Provincial Committee, leader of membe of the Shaanxi national committee of CPPCC, Wang Baocheng, deputy...
Shaanxi Daily: Annual sales revenue of ShaanMei has reached 200 billion yuan for the first time.
Jan 24, 2017
Shaanxi Daily: Jan. 12th ,2017 Fit edition Shaanxi Daily News (By Cheng Jingfeng) On January 11th, 2017, reporte learned some economic indicato from work conference: In 2016, ShaanMei Group sticks to surviving from governing loss and deepening the reform development. Meanwhile, its assets has reached 450 billion yuan,...
ShaanMei Group held the first Workers’ congress and 2017 working conference
Jan 12, 2017
省国资委党委书记孙安会,省委组织部企业处处长程光明,省工信厅党组成员、副厅长兰建文,省国土厅党组成员、副厅长雷鸣雄,省能源局副局长王东,省煤管局局长陈永昌,省能化地质工会主席薛跃等省上有关部门领导出席会议。集团公司董事、党委委员、副总经理、总会计师、董事会秘书,监事,总经理助理,副总师,机关各部门主要负责人;陕煤股份公司班子成员,副总师,机关各部门负责人;所属各单位党政主要领导,分管生产、经营工作的副职,工会主席;集团公司二届一次职代会职工代表;外派参股单位的产权代表等参加了会议。 省国资委党委书记孙安会讲话 ...