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ShaanMei Group ranked 209 on the 2022 Fortune Global 500 list

 06, 2022

The2022FortuneGlobal500listwasreleasedonAugust3,andShaanMeiGroupranked209witharevenueof395.4billionyuan,whichincreased11positiocomparingwiththatoflastyear. ShaanMeiGroupranked67amongallthoseChineseenterprises,whichincreasedonepositioncomparingwiththatoflastyear. Thisyear,136companiesfromtheChinesemainland(includingHongKong)wereshortlisted.Withth...

ShaanMei Group held a meeting of economic operation analysis for the first half year of 2022

Jul 21, 2022

On the afternoon of July 15, ShaanMei Group held a meeting of economic operation analysis for the fit half year of 2022. Yang Zhaogan, Party Secretary and Chairman of the Group attended the meeting and made a speech. Yan Guanglao, deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and general manager, reviewed and analyzed the economic performance in the...

ShaanMei Group held 2021 annual target responsibility assessment and commendation conference

Jul 15, 2022

On the afternoon of July 15, ShaanMei Group held the 2021 annual target respoibility assessment and commendation conference. Yang Zhaogan, Party Secretary and Chairman of ShaanMei Group. YanGuanglao, Deputy Party Secretary and General Manager of ShaanMei Group, and other leading membe and quasi-senior manage attended the meeting. Party and g...

ShaanMei Group plans to carry out the "Safety Production Month" activities in 2022

Jun 09, 2022

Recently, according to the requirements of Safety Commission, National Emergency Management Department of the State Council, Shaanxi Governmental Safety Commission and Emergency Management, ShaanMei Group is making this year’s arrangements of "safe production month", aiming to further promote the ideas of socialism with Chinese characteristics...

ShaanMei Group held a special meeting to convey the spirit of the National Development and Reform Commission's special meeting on medium and long term

Jun 05, 2022

On May 30, ShaanMei Group held a special video conference to convey the spirit of the recent National Development and Reform Commission's special conference on medium and long term coal contracts and the spirit of the province's promotion of stabilizing the economic market, and further arrange and deploy coal supply and steady growth. ...

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